Since offers non-tangible, irrevocable goods, we do not issue refunds once the order is completed, and the download is available and accessible via email or direct download. The nature of digital media means that once a purchase is downloaded, it cannot be returned. As such, all payments on this website are non-refundable, and any refund requests or disputes will be denied without further communication.
As a customer, you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item from our site. No refund will be provided if the service is downloadable or usable online in real-time, and our records show that it has been downloaded or used through our system.
We stand behind our services, and your satisfaction is important to us. However, because our offerings are digital goods delivered via Internet download, we generally offer no refunds. We recognize that exceptional circumstances may occur regarding the nature of the service we supply.
If a refund is accepted, it will be processed within 7-10 business days.
Download and Unzipping Issues:
If you experience issues while downloading or unzipping the service, claims must be submitted within 24 hours. Failure to contact us during this period will be taken as confirmation of a successful download, with no further right to redress or refund for “download issues.” If you are unable to unzip the service, please contact us immediately. We will gladly provide it via email. For assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected]